PORTFOLIO of ARTWORKS – The Works of Contemporary Art made by Cesare Catania

Portfolio of Contemporary Artworks

“… the fact of wanting to express my sensations and feelings through different forms of artistic expression corresponds to the desire to always want to experiment, linked on the other hand to the visceral need to adapt the expressive form to the meaning it transmits, and not vice versa… Feeling for me wins over expressiveness, almost as if in a selfish way I wanted to give more space to what I feel rather than how I express it…”

(Cesare Catania)

contemporary art


Bright colors and intricate details… this is how deep emotions and vibrant sensations blend harmoniously in Cesare Catania’s paintings. Works of art that synthesize aesthetic harmony and attention to the universe around us. Explore and be thrilled with all the Paintings in Cesare Catania’s Contemporary Art Portfolio.

contemporary art

3D Paintings

Literally paintings that come off the canvas!
… a set of creations where the variety of materials used and the multitude of techniques explored give life to works of art which, despite being simply hung, seem to float in space …

contemporary art


It is here that the love for mathematics, geometry and life finds its natural form of harmony for the sculptor Cesare Catania. Works of art that synthesize stillness and movement, the energy of colors and the artistic immobility of matter, shaped by the Italian artist in a path of continuous experimentation.

contemporary art


Works of art drawn and painted on raw canvases, Cesare Catania’s tapestries show the world how a painting can be scaled onto large canvases without losing the love for detail. Spatulas, brushes, pads, acrylics and oil paints give life to unique pieces in which technique and imagination blend into a melody of colors and strokes!

contemporary art


When a single image is no longer sufficient to describe emotions and feelings, the artist turns to video art, understood as that expressive means that represents states of mind by modifying the images as time passes. The different frames thus become paintings in continuous motion!

contemporary art

NFTs and Digital Art

Having initially approached digital art with a simple didactic purpose to explain his cubist creations, digital art takes on a predominant role for Cesare Catania when the artist understands that, thanks to its use, he can go beyond the boundaries of matter and reality. Kinetic art, NFTs and moving art in general are therefore experienced by the Italian artist as a booster for the emotions of those who produce them and those who observe them. Come in and live a unique experience!

contemporary art


Preliminary sketches, composition studies and conceptual ideas: an expression of Cesare Catania’s creative immediacy, provide a further window into the Italian artist’s artistic ability and creation process. Find out where inspirations are born and how ideas take shape on the canvas and in the material before they are even generated!

contemporary art

Ingenuity Works

Opere di ingegno dell'artista e ingegnere Cesare Catania

Architectural works with artistic purposes represent the synergy between art and architecture, where Catania expands its creative vision by transforming spaces and structures into works of art. These towering creations are intended to inspire and amaze, transforming your surroundings into an aesthetic experience.

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"most popular artworks"
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1 - The Heart of the Earth B Version - Contemporary sculpture made by the sculptor Cesare Catania - x Slider 1920x800
Artwork Title: “The Heart of the Earth – B Version”
“... the marble dust coming from the Earth and the meteorite fragments coming from the Universe ...”
2 - Selfportrait - Contemporary painting made by the painter Cesare Catania - x Slider 1920x800
Artwork Title: “Selfportrait”
“... in this artwork Cesare Catania illustrates the oxymorons present in his personality ...”
3 - Harlequin in the Land of Giants - Contemporary painting made by the sculptor Cesare Catania - x Slider 1920x800
Artwork Title: “Harlequin in the Land of Giants”
“... hyperrealism and surrealism ...”
4 - The Heart of the Earth C Version - Contemporary sculpture made by the sculptor Cesare Catania - x Slider 1920x800
Artwork Title: “The Heart of the Earth – C Version”
“... the power of the Earth ...”
5 - The Man Who Does Not See - Contemporary sculpture made by the sculptor Cesare Catania - x Slider 1920x800
Artwork Title: “The Man Who Does Not See”
“... the man is immersed in the society around him blindfolded ...”
6 - The Mouth of Etna E Version - Contemporary sculpture made by the artist Cesare Catania - x Slider 1920x800
Artwork Title: “The Mouth of Etna – E Version”
“... passion for colours, for energy and for contemporary sculpture ...”
7 - Trois Hommes - Contemporary tapestry made by the painter Cesare Catania - x Slider 1920x800
Artwork Title: “Trois Hommes”
“... art and science …”
8 - Summer Readings - Contemporary painting made by the painter Cesare Catania - x Slider 1920x800
Artwork Title: “Summer Readings”
“... art and maths ...”
9 - The Cage - Contemporary sculpture 3D painting made by the sculptor Cesare Catania - x Slider 1920x800
Artwork Title: “The Cage”
“... 3D painting and sculpture in the same artwork ...”
10 - The Cutting A Version - Contemporary sculpture 3D painting made by the sculptor Cesare Catania - x Slider 1920x800
Artwork Title: “The Cutting – A Version”
“... abstraction and contemporary idea of art ...”
11 - Confusion - The Open Cutting - Contemporary sculpture 3D painting made by the sculptor Cesare Catania - x Slider 1920x800
Artwork Title: “Confusion (The Open Cutting)”
“... abstract art ...”
12 - The Embrace B Version - Contemporary tapestry made by the painter Cesare Catania - x Slider 1920x800
Artwork Title: “The Embrace – B Version”
“... everything starts from an embrace …”
13 - Flamingos at the Mirror - Contemporary painting made by the painter Cesare Catania - x Slider 1920x800
Artwork Title: “Flamingos at the Mirror”
“... the metaphor of human being ...”
14 - The Mouth of Etna F Version - Contemporary Sculpture 3D Painting made by the sculptor Cesare Catania - x Slider 1920x800
Artwork Title: “The Mouth of Etna – F Version”
“... when the sculpture becomes energy ...”
15 - Woman with a Book - Contemporary painting made by the painter Cesare Catania - x Slider 1920x800
Artwork Title: “Woman with a Book”
“... love for colours ...”
16 - The Mouth of Etna A Version - Contemporary sculpture made by the artist Cesare Catania - x Slider 1920x800
Artwork Title: “The Mouth of Etna – A Version”
“... passion for contemporary art ...”
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