Country: ITALY


Cesare Catania, opinion leader on NFTs and the Metaverse, guest at SMAU 2022 in Milan.

Below is the full interview

excerpt from the official article:

TG5 presenter – Roberta Floris

00:00:00 – 00:00:03

Art and Metaverse: two worlds that converge. Let’s see how…

Journalist – Jacopo Pesciarelli

00:00:05 – 00:00:33

Harlequins dancing in a digital spaceā€¦ spheres that dissolve and compose a painting in the sea of the metaverseā€¦. the new virtual world… the evolution of the internet which, in all probability, none of us will be able to escape! Just as we haven’t escaped the web…

These are just some of the works of art that the artist Cesare Catania, a painter and sculptor very successful in recent years, created for the 2022 edition of the SMAU in Milan.

He has created digital artworks, taking inspiration from some of his most important paintings such as “Harlequin in the Land of Giants”, works that he has made more immersive through the Metaverse. SMAU attendees had the chance to enter this metaverse with virtual reality glasses and see these extraordinary creations like never before, letting themselves be carried away on a digital journey between dream and art…

Cesare Catania

00:01:03 – 00:01:16

The artistic direction in this is used to create both contents and containers, containers that have in some way an added value compared to simple technological containers. With Meta you can also enter the world of art thanks to the creation of holograms that represent works by great artists. The goal is to convey the idea that art and technology can easily marry each other, and they do so in the Metaverse.