The Cage – B Version


"The Cage"

B Version

Artwork 69

The Cage - B Version

Digital Art and NFT

Year: 2021

Measures: 43,0 mb (1080p h.264)

Technique: Digital

Description of the digital artwork:

In this digital artwork, Cesare Catania puts together a sun fire red at sunset and his sculpture entitled “The cage” A Version, made of plaster and acrylic in 2013.
In the sculptural version of “The cage” A Version (2013), the natural rope threads represented the bars of the cage, the bright red impetus and agitation. The cut in the canvas symbolized a glimmer of light.

  activate the audio in the video above for a multi-sensory view

The “Red” and the Kinetic Art

In this B Version, the artist modifies his point of view with a digital processing of visual and sound arts. The sunset, the key concept of other works by Cesare Catania, completely embraces the scene and gives it peace and serenity. The sun, represented by a red glass sphere, whirls in the sky and is moved by strong and soothing winds. After a few seconds of vaulting, the sphere dematerializes and then reassembles itself under the guise of the sculpture “La Gabbia”. This game of kinetic art harmonizes in the movements and also in the meaning a position that in the past seemed to be of friction towards the surrounding reality.

Today, however, with this work of art the artist highlights a sort of artistic and emotional balance with respect to the world around him..

"The Cage" B Version (2022)
Digital Art Exhibition 2022
"The Cage" B Version (2022)
The Cage - B Version
"The Cage" B Version (2022)
"The Cage" B Version (2022)
"The Cage" B Version (2022)

The “Spherism” of Cesare Catania

In the works of Cesare Catania, be they paintings or sculptures, we often find the image of the sphere. This is understood by the artist as an object that tends to artistically balance the full and square shapes of reality. Even in his digital works of art and his NFTs the concept of the sphere is developed and accentuated. We also find this artistic choice in “The Harlequin in the Land of the Giants” B Version (2022), as well as in many of his other digital and traditional works of art.

To view and purchase the original NFT of

“The cage”

(B Version) 

click here below


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Mostra Feelings and Emotions

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    Cesare Catania is an Italian artist, painter and sculptor. He started his successful career at a highly opportune time. In his art, tradition and innovation come together. His creative abilities and his aesthetic taste enthusiastically embrace technology and development towards the future. In his works of art the boundaries between painting, sculpture and digital art blur, while maintaining his attachment to his contemporary art.

    Biografia di Cesare Catania

    Click here and find out more about the artist Cesare Catania:

    Cultural Background

    "The cage" B Version (2022) draws its origins from a previous version (A Version) that the author made in 2013.


    La Gabbia è una scultura di arte contemporanea realizzata dal pittore e scultore Cesare Catania


    It is interesting to note how two works of art so similar to each other manifest diametrically opposed feelings and sensations: the first A Version expressed feelings of oppression and anxiety, the second B Version resolves these feelings and gives birth to a new perspective and a new point of view, without distorting the work in form and colors.

    to purchase a limited edition copy of

    “The cage”

    (A Version)

    La Gabbia è una scultura di arte contemporanea realizzata dal pittore e scultore Cesare Catania

    click here below


    Why enter the Whitelist?

    Entering Cesare Catania’s Whitelist gives you the opportunity to access the minting of his NFTs as a priority,

    without queues, having the possibility to buy its NFTs at a reserved price. 

    Mostra Feelings and Emotions

    Enter your email address below along with your public wallet address (Blockchain Ethereum)

    eyou will have reserved access to the VIP list to do minting before the others!


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