Shop on line – Buy the Artworks made by Cesare Catania

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discover the art of Cesare Catania

... all the pleasure of owning a unique and limited edition work ...
Unique work of art

Savor the privilege of owning a unique and original work of art by Cesare Catania, created by the artist immediately after capturing his inspirations and after maturing his emotions inside .

Maximum circulation of hand retouched copies + PdA

Add to your collection one of the copies (maximum 8 copies + the Author’s Proof) made from the original work of art and hand retouched by the artist. The advanced techniques of artistic reproduction below recall the inspirations of the original work of art, the ancient technique of Retouchè a la Main, used by Cesare Catania in the phase following copying, gives the work the character of uniqueness and at the same time the charm of the first artistic inspiration

Maximum Circulation of Prints Numbered and Signed in Original by the Artist

Buy and collect a reproduction (maximum 1000 copies) of the original work of art and you will have the pleasure of owning a limited edition copy signed and numbered in original by the Author. Art becomes accessible to everyone!

  • 18.500

    Aleftina and Her Dolls (B Version) – Hand Retouched Copy (edition 8 + PdA)

    Aleftina and Her Dolls (B Version) – Hand Retouched Copy (edition 8 + PdA)
  • 50

    Contemporary Art Book containing the works of Cesare Catania and signed by the Author

    Contemporary Art Book containing the works of Cesare Catania and signed by the Author
  • 2.000

    The Harlequins (A Version) – Numbered and Signed Copy (1000 copies edition)

    The Harlequins (A Version) – Numbered and Signed Copy (1000 copies edition)

for all other works of art by Cesare Catania, contact us directly by filling out the form below

If you want to buy one of Cesare Catania’s contemporary works of art but it is not currently available in our online shop, fill out the form by clicking on the button below and you will be contacted immediately.

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discover the other works of art
by Cesare Catania ...

or enter directly below in the other categories
and immediately discover other works of art by the artist Cesare Catania:
oil on canvas and acrylic paintings,
three-dimensional sculpture paintings,
oil on canvas and acrylic tapestries,
intellectual works (including monumental sculpture and works of architecture)
Cesare Catania painting


contemporary art

artworks cesare catania

3d paintings

Contemporary art



contemporary art

tapisseries par Cesare Catania


contemporary art

croquis d'art contemporain - Cesare Catania


contemporary art

Oeuvres de génie par Cesare Catania

works of ingenuity

art, engineering and architecture

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Biography of the Artist

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In this section you will find all the details on the art books written by the author


Cesare Catania's art has never been so alive!
Come in and discover his video tutorials.

International Press

What does the international press say
about the artist and his art?

Catalog of Works

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of his main works of art.

The Latest Exhibitions

Come in and experience the thrill of participating in the author's latest contemporary art exhibitions: videos, photos, articles, interviews.